Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm grateful to be alive.

Today I took Shep for a walk along Alki after dropping off Tessa and our carpool friends, and chanced to see a bald eagle, swooping and squaking as it chased a fish over the waves. I stood at the edge of the path to admire it, and to laugh at its non-majestic cry, and two other passers-by stopped to join me. "We've seen this before," they said. "Me too," I said. "And it never stops being a thrill." The man softened a bit, and added, "No, it's always special."

I'm grateful to live by the sea. I'm grateful to be able to connect with nature, even in a busy day.

Today is day four of my food detox - no sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gluten, dairy, or processed foods. It has been difficult to give up baked goods, in particular, and I really miss scones. I am grateful, however, that Ryan suggested this plan, and that he is taking care of his health with this plan. I'm grateful that I decided to join him in it, because it's "forcing" me to eat much healthier food - I think I was filling up on scones, not apples, and now I'm doing the reverse. Maybe when this is done I'll do better with the moderation thing, but right now I'm just very grateful that I've been able to be on track for four days, that I've dropped a couple of pounds, and that I know I'm feeding my body healthy food.

I'm grateful that I'm a good cook. I can make just about anything from scratch, and I do. I'm proud of that. Today I'm having home made hummus, and it tastes better knowing that it doesn't have any preservatives, and little to no waste. I just soaked beans, and blended them with fresh squeezed lemons, tahini, olive oil, cumin, and garlic. Yum. Chop up some carrot sticks, and I'm calling this lunch!

I'm grateful that my dear friend just invited me to her 40th birthday celebration.

I'm grateful for my family and friends.


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